
b3.distribution.ini is the name of config file but b3 expects b3.ini by default

UsmanTariq2 opened this issue · 3 comments

I spent over 2 hours trying to troubleshoot what this problem is since b3 would throw cannot load configuration file errors
The solution was that i renamed b3.distribution.ini to b3.ini and now made changes in the latter and it started working

I wanted to ask if this is a bug? Or am i supposed to set the name of the b3 config files somewhere ( I coudnt find where i could do that)


Not a bug, that file is supposed to be used as a template to make the file that you are going to actually use. Unfortunately a lot of the documentation has gone astray, so that may not be clear any more.

You can use any name for the config file, see

Ok .
It is confusing for a new setup and i spent multiple hours trying to find a fix, so i thought i would add it here so it helps someone else and not more hours are wasted

hola, donde puedo preguntar para que me ayuden a configurar b3
lo tengo instalado en un servidor de alquiler con cod4x
esta funcionando, soy el super admin
pero no se como manejarlo bien
existe la posibilidad que me puedan asesora.

eh leido varios comentarios oh wiki. pero no entiendo mucho

se agradece toda ayuda