
[WOP] Could not parse line no such group

mohamad-source opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello, i use the b3bot for the Game World of Padman and all works.

I just get this error everytime when anyone get killed:

**'Could not parse line no such group: [

('C:\\Users\\Mohamad\\Desktop\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\', 1167, 'run', 'self.parseLine(line)'),
('C:\\Users\\Mohamad\\Desktop\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\q3a\\', 213, 'parseLine', 'event = func(action, data, match)'),
('C:\\Users\\Mohamad\\Desktop\\big-brother-bot\\b3\\parsers\\', 371, 'OnKill', "self.debug('OnKill: %s (%s)' % ('aweap'),'data')))")


Can anyone help me please?