Question: How do I access the different stacks?
Opened this issue · 2 comments
Zandahlen commented
As I have understood it, there are separate stacks for the different tabs, in order to keep the tabs separated, but I wonder,
how do I refer to the different stacks, I am guessing it's just different contexts? In that case where do I find the proper context then?
e.g. if i wanna check if the route can pop with ModalRoute.of(context)?.canPop
, it will give false
because the navbar is the first page, but I wanna check it within the tab.
How do I get the proper context?
I tried with the selectedTabScreenContext
but it doesn't seem to work for me.
(I'll post a repo if needed)
Many thanks for any and all help,
and the nice package :)
fehmivelioglu commented
Same issue. Is there any solution ??
fehmivelioglu commented