short tandem duplication
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I run VALOR2 to my data from linked-read sequencing. I have a sample with a known tandem duplication of 13Kbps and, although I can see the duplication in the bam (for example through IGV) it cannot be called by the tool. I read from the paper that the tool is able to call larger segmental duplication (>40Kbps). Is it right? Is it a way or configuration to call smaller variations? Thank you
Hi @MartaRusmini,
VALOR2 algorithm focuses on the larger variants. The minimum size of the called variants is strictly limited by the molecule size of the linked reads. For shorter variants (< (1 molecule size) Bps), I suggest using Longranger or some other linked read SV discovery tool.
Thank you for your interest.
(p)lus and (m)inus shows the short paired read mapping orientation. Each, pm, mp, mm and pp shows the number of supporting discordant reads for the SV with the said orientation. Each SV type creates 2 (or 3 for translocation) different short read support. Please look at the Figure 1 in the VALOR2 paper for the details.