
monads: `core_kernel.rope` no longer exists in v0.16

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It seems this functionality has been separated into the jane_rope package (which currently depends on base v0.16). Would we need to break compatibility with previous versions (i.e. < v0.16.0) of janestreet libraries to upgrade, or hard stop at v0.15? Perhaps a third option exists?

ping @ivg

ivg commented

Do you mean by a hard stop that we shouldn't support versions below v0.15 or above?

By that I mean that one option would be to not support anything above v0.15.

XVilka commented

It's better to support newer Core/Base versions in my opinion, since they will benefit from all the OCaml 5.x multicore and effects work in the future, which would fit BAP quite well for variety of reasons. See also #1561