
[MAINTAIN] java related packages polishment

starsareintherose opened this issue · 13 comments

List of Pacakges

  • aliview
  • artemis
  • bbmap
  • beast
  • beast2
  • canu
  • #101
  • emboss
  • fastqc
  • figtree
  • gatk
  • insight-toolkit
  • jane
  • libsbml
  • mcscanx
  • mesquite
  • morphoj
  • open-delta
  • phyde
  • phylip
  • pibuss
  • phylonet
  • picard
  • sequencematrix
  • spread3
  • spread
  • tempest
  • tracer
  • treemap
  • trimmomatic


These packages need to be checked the following points

  • use java-runtime and java-enviroment instead of jdk, jre, etc.
  • confirm the java version and limit the enviroment in PKGBUILD
  • check if they can be compiled from the source code [may be difficult, considering some software use quite low version java-enviroment]
  • check if PKGBUILD style can be auto updated

@Kiri2002 if you want, you can choose to maintain mesquite, it's an excellent start for your bioarchlinux tour.

- tempest: can't exec beast-dev/Tempest#3

tempest now merge into beast 93554af

- spread3: build error phylogeography/SpreaD3#43 and version issue phylogeography/SpreaD3#39

- spread: can't compile and no version phylogeography/spread#208

considering there is no source code here, don't build from source

trimmomatic: bump java version of ant usadellab/Trimmomatic#36

solved: aliview: compile error AliView/AliView#118

- gatk: lfs issue, similar to broadinstitute/gatk#4687 , but also consider PKGBUILD working with git LFS

fixed f27e196

- Artemis 1850076 need more fix for shell script

pre-build binary can't work also, therefore, build from source

@BioArchLinux/bioarchlinux-group anyone can help me solve these java problems?

Only one (mesquite) remains as single issue (134).