Querying and cleaning data from GBIF with R for Applied Data Science Practicum
RNR 496B - Working with Ecological Data in R - University of Arizona
DSCI 245 - Applied Data Science Practicum - Lewis & Clark College
Instructions for this assignment:
- In rstudio.cloud, click the more-querying-gbif.Rmd file. You'll be working through this document in the upper-left hand window in RStudio.
- Make sure you edit line 6 to include your name.
- Work your way through the document. Run each pre-filled code chunk, and write code (and run) each code chunk in the "YOUR TURN" sections.
- Once you've finished, make sure the more-querying-gbif.Rmd file is open, and click 'Knit' in the menu bar above it. This will generate a PDF output of the file (note: browser pop-up blockers may interfere - pay attention to any warning messages to allow the PDF creation).
- Rename your PDF file using the following convention: assignment3-Lastname.pdf (e.g. if your name is Jane Doe, name the file assignment3-Doe.pdf)
- Download the PDF file (check the box next to it, click More->Export).
- Submit your file by midnight on Monday, February 7th, 2022. Upload your assignment to the Assignment3 folder in the Assignments directory of our shared Google Drive (see syllabus for link).
Questions? Email Jeremy at jeremym@lclark.edu