
Show slowmode on channels

tpurde opened this issue · 4 comments

What do you want

We cannot see if channels have slowmode enabled. It makes it hard to text in said channels. A small indicator indicating the time would be helpful.


To make it actually possible to use channels with slowmode enabled. It's very hard to do it right now.

I wonder how we should best do this. What should happen with messages that you send during that time? Should they be queued, discarded, not even attempt to send them? And where should we display the slowmode-time and such? Should we add a statusbar beneath the messagebox? It could also contain more additional stuff, I don't know.

Maybe replace the text input with a box containing the usual countdown message from the normal client, and not even allow typing?

I think the safest bet here would be to let users chose if the message would be queued or discarded.

So, the question is, does putting it into a queue actually make sense? That's probably pretty dumb when people already replied and you then send a reply that doesn't make sense due to the time passed. I wanna keep it as simple as possible. I think displaying an error dialog and not deleting the message might be better. So we won't discard nor queue. I also considered to save unsent messages when you swap channels. Discord web does that too and i kinda like it.