
support iso-8859-1 character set for actual terminals

pierut opened this issue · 5 comments

What do you want

i want you to add support for non unicode iso-8859-1 latin 1 character set so i can use cordless on my 1988 terminal


because unicode is not supported on 1988 terminals

Implementation hints

i dunno... theres line characters..probably not too different from the line characters in unicode

thank you :)

I already had people running cordless on old terminals. @polyzium can you give some input here?
Maybe we can pass a custom charset on startup or maybe tcell even has a "support charset" function we can call.
If we can, then we could probably pipe it through tviewutil.Escape, which is what I already use to allow disabling a big chunk of characters for windows users.

VTxxx terminals use the special Shift-In and Shift-Out characters to switch between the charsets. Unless you're using a VT100-compatible terminal or an emulator like Kermit, supporting various types of terminals is not going to be easy.

maybe i'm doing something wrong getting this to work with it...its not a very well documented thing.. my specific terminal is a vt320 which, is pretty vt100 compatible.. theres a vt100 mode, tbqh I'm rather new to this thing. It supports iso-8859-1 (which, i think, was rather standard for awhile) and a dec supplemental character set, I think it switches out a few special characters in favor of multinational characters. It does have the ability to load soft fonts like the ones here..

my post yesterday may have come off a bit demanding, if so, i apologize, i was very tired. :/

@polprog has a VT320 as well, and I implemented barebones support for it. I only tested it with the C locale, maybe there is ISO-8859-1 support already if you set the locale correctly.

I'll look into this tomorrow.

i hadn't considered trying the C locale.. it seems to work fine. thank you!

i had to edit the shortcuts config file to change the 'exit application' from enter otherwise i wasnt really sure how to select anything..didn't see anything specifying that in the ctrl-k dialog.. dunno if that is supposed to happen... otherwise it appears to be working fine now. I will reconsider using iso-8859-1 in favor of the C locale now.. maybe that will make other things work better too :D