
Lambda Arn not included in CSV and table output

v8vito opened this issue · 1 comments

v8vito commented

Description of Bug

The output files csv/lambda.csv and table/lambda.txt have a header named "Resource Arn", but the function name is included instead of the ARN. For example, the table/lambda.txt file looks as follows:

│ Service │  Region   │    Resource Arn     │                         Role                         │ IsAdminRole? │
│ Lambda  │ us-east-1 │ FunctionName1       │ arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/[REDACTED]              │ No           │
│ Lambda  │ us-east-1 │ FunctionName2       │ arn:aws:iam::[REDACTED]:role/[REDACTED]              │ No           │

Looking at the code, it seems that this was commented out.


Thanks for pointing this out @v8vito!

FYI, a fix for this is coming in the next release. I'm working on making cloudfox's -o flag/option more like kubectl's, specifically the -o wide option. By default to the screen, you will get a subset of the columns that give you the bare minimum you need so that you don't need a crazy wide screen or super small font to read the output. However, if you want all of the columns to the screen, you can use -o wide as needed. FWIW, all columns will be written to file output.