
Add VPC / VPC peering information to output

Opened this issue · 1 comments

As a pentester
I want to be able to have an overview of VPC and VPC peering
so that I can quickly assess the attack surface.


In my current audit the targets are in a VPC but this VPC has some peering with other VPCs.

I want to be able to quickly see the other VPC linked to the VPC I'm auditing.

The following information would be useful for VPC:

  • Name
  • VPC ID
  • State
  • IPv4 CIDR
  • IPv6 CIDR
  • Owner ID
  • Region
  • Number of instances

The following information would be useful for VPC peering:

  • VPC id requester and accepter
  • VPC name requester and accepter
  • region requester and accepter
  • Requester CIDRs
  • Accepter CIDRs
  • Requester owner ID
  • Requester owner ID
  • Peering connection id
  • Status

@Techbrunch Here's a script I use for this. I uploaded to a Gist in case you want to use it until this functionality gets added to CF.