
implement BIP173 - SegWit

Closed this issue · 5 comments

We need sooner rather than later to implement BIP173 (native SegWit addresses) as well as support for SegWit transactions (native and nested in P2SH). Does bitcoin-php or secpk256k1 php need changes for these purposes also?

afk11 commented

Hi, bitcoin-lib-php isn't maintained anymore, but both BIP173 and segwit transactions are supported in

Oh, thanks for the heads up. So basically bitcoin-php includes and maintains everything in bitcoin-lib-php and secp256k1-php, so I can only use that?

afk11 commented

Yep, it covers everything (tho the API is a bit different), and is the only one of the two libs that can use the extension secp256k1-php. The examples should hopefully be enough if you need to switch, or just poke me in an issue

afk11 commented

Adding some examples for the different address types: Bit-Wasp/bitcoin-php#536

We're all good here. Thanks @afk11