
Live endpoint URL prefix not working

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Switching from Test to Live environment gives an error.

request.CRITICAL: Uncaught PHP Exception Adyen\AdyenException: "Please provide your unique live url prefix on the setEnvironment() call on the Client or provide endpointCheckout in your config object." at ---/vendor/adyen/php-api-library/src/Adyen/Service/AbstractCheckoutResource.php line 23 {"exception":"[object] (Adyen\\AdyenException(code: 0): Please provide your unique live url prefix on the setEnvironment() call on the Client or provide endpointCheckout in your config object. at ---/vendor/adyen/php-api-library/src/Adyen/Service/AbstractCheckoutResource.php:23)"}

Adyen PHP library needs the "Live Endpoint URL prefix" to be passed as second parameter (function setEnvironment() in CLient.php), but the SyliusAdyenPlugin plugin does not.
In AdyenTransportFactory.php the setEnvironment() method is always called with one parameter.

            $options['environment'] == AdyenClientInterface::TEST_ENVIRONMENT
                ? Environment::TEST
                : Environment::LIVE

Hi guys, any update on this? Thank you!

Hi, we are working on it

Thank you so much! :)

v1.2.1 contains the fix :)