
Any plans to migrate to effect-ts (fp-ts 3)?

adrian-gierakowski opened this issue · 3 comments

Given that development efforts towards fp-ts 3 have been merged with effect ts, are there any plans to migrate api-ts to be based on effect?

I’m following the developments in the effect discord and there seem to be some initial attempts at creating libraries for http and rpc. Could be good to join forces.

Thanks for the links to effect-http and effect-ts/rpc, I haven't seen these repos yet!

We haven't committed to anything right now, but I personally would like to see us move to effect-ts over time. That might mean migrating api-ts, or possibly using one of the libraries you just linked. We might be a little slower to roll out those changes than you may be hoping for, but I'm not opposed to collaboration!

@ericcrosson-bitgo thanks for your reply. Would be great to connect on effect's discord and see where things go from there.

Another related effect based lib in the works