
`bitgo wallets` doesn't list BCH/BTG wallets

KidkArolis opened this issue · 11 comments

I'm trying to use bitgo util recoversafehdbch to transfer BCH, but it's not listing the BCH wallet.

Hey there @KidkArolis ,

I see that you are having issues using out BitGo CLI to recover your BCH funds. Please submit a ticket to so that we can properly assist you in resolving this matter. We ask that you do it this way so that your personal information is kept safe during communication. If you are not seeing the BCH wallet you need to access, please log into your account, select BCH from the coin type drop down menu and then locate the BCH wallet for your account. When you select the wallet, you will be provided with the correct address to use for our recovery tool. If a wallet does not exist already, please create one using the wallet creation tool on the website and use the supplied address from the newly created wallet with the CLI. We hope this clarifies the use of the BitGo CLI and how to get access to your BCH wallet address. If you need further assistance, please submit the support ticket as requested above so that we can provide you more detailed support. Thanks again for reaching out and we look forward to continued communication with you.

Justin S
BitGo Tier II Customer Support Team

Hello @KidkArolis
This is occurring because your wallet is in an older format and the migrated BCH and BTG wallet funds will need to be recovered using our command line tool.

We have developed a recovery tool where basically you can recover your BCH and BTG. You will need to download Node js and npm. You can download them from Once it is downloaded, you will need to open command prompt for Windows or terminal for Mac.

npm i -g bitgo-cli

This will install our latest version of the CLI.

bitgo login

Login to your bitgo account by running the following and completing the steps.

bitgo wallets

Shows all the wallets owned by the user.

bitgo wallet <index of wallet e.g. 1>

Selects the wallet that you want to recover the funds from.

bitgo util recoversafehdbtg -d

bitgo util recoversafehdbch -d

With this recovery command you should be able to recover your BTG/BCH.

Doesn't work for me.. When I run

bitgo util recoversafehdbch -d XXXXXXX

server error requestId=YYYYY

I'm in contact with support for the last 30 days, but so far made no progress..

What's also not clear to me is in bitgo wallets step, what should I expect to see - by BTC wallet only? Or should I see my BCH/BTG wallets?

My assumption is I see my BTC wallet which I'm trying to recover the BCH from. But I keep getting that server error..

Hello KidkArolis,

Are you attempting to recover the funds of a hard fork or are you trying to recover BCH that was sent to a BTC address? The correct command for recovering cross chain recoveries that involve BCH and BTC are recoverbtcfrombch and recoverbchfrombtc

The command that you are using (recoversafehdbch) is for recovering forked funds from legacy BitGo wallets. Thanks for replying back to us. This should help clarify the use of the CLI to retrieve your funds. If you continue to have issues, please submit them to as they will be resolved much quicker.

Justin S
BitGo Customer Support Team

I'm trying to recover funds of a hard fork from a legacy wallet - recoversafehdbch is giving me a server error every time though.

Hey @KidkArolis,

Can you email me ( with the wallet ID and the BitGo user name of your account so that I can investigate the issue and see why you are getting an error. Thanks for keeping up with us and we hope to have this resolved for you shortly.

-Justin S
BitGo Customer Support

Hey @KidkArolis

it looks like this is a known issue regarding some of our scripts with regard to BCH specifically. Our engineering team is working on this at the moment and we will let you know when the issue is resolved. Please refer to your open tickets with our support team to keep updates tracked and so that you are receiving information as soon as its available. thanks for reaching out to us and rest assured that we are working on the resolution to this as we speak. Again, please continue all discussion of this matter within your freshdesk ticket with us as personal information may be required next and should not be posted here and this is not the best place to get support from the BitGo support team. Thanks again for reaching out and we look forward to continuing this discussion over freshdesk.

-Justin S
BitGo Customer Support Team

Marking this as closed. For future readers, most people should be using our new v2 cli tool available at

I haven't solved my issue btw, it's been 8 months and I still can't recover my funds :(