
Sample market maker not starting - Endpoint was: GET order: null

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This is my first time trying to start this sample market maker. It gives this error after issuing this command - marketmaker ['XBTUSD']. What can I do?

Importing symbol settings for XBTUSD...
Unable to find
2019-12-24 03:40:40,637 - INFO - market_maker - BitMEX Market Maker Version: v1.1

2019-12-24 03:40:40,638 - INFO - ws_thread - Connecting to wss://,trade:XBTUSD,instrument,order:XBTUSD,execution:XBTUSD,margin,position
2019-12-24 03:40:40,638 - INFO - ws_thread - Authenticating with API Key.
2019-12-24 03:40:40,640 - INFO - ws_thread - Started thread
2019-12-24 03:40:41,645 - INFO - ws_thread - Connected to WS. Waiting for data images, this may take a moment...
2019-12-24 03:40:43,954 - INFO - ws_thread - Got all market data. Starting.
2019-12-24 03:40:43,954 - INFO - market_maker - Using symbol XBTUSD.
2019-12-24 03:40:43,955 - INFO - market_maker - Order Manager initializing, connecting to BitMEX. Live run: executing real trades.
2019-12-24 03:40:43,955 - INFO - market_maker - Resetting current position. Canceling all existing orders.
2019-12-24 03:40:43,955 - INFO - bitmex - sending req to {"filter": "{\"ordStatus.isTerminated\": false, \"symbol\": \"XBTUSD\"}", "count": 500}
2019-12-24 03:40:45,098 - ERROR - bitmex - Unhandled Error: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: {"error":{"message":"This request has expired - `expires` is in the past. Current time: 1577155256","name":"HTTPError"}}
2019-12-24 03:40:45,099 - ERROR - bitmex - Endpoint was: GET order: null
2019-12-24 03:40:45,099 - INFO - market_maker - Shutting down. All open orders will be cancelled.
2019-12-24 03:40:45,099 - INFO - market_maker - Resetting current position. Canceling all existing orders.
2019-12-24 03:40:45,099 - INFO - bitmex - sending req to {"filter": "{\"ordStatus.isTerminated\": false, \"symbol\": \"XBTUSD\"}", "count": 500}
2019-12-24 03:40:45,384 - ERROR - bitmex - Unhandled Error: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: {"error":{"message":"This request has expired - `expires` is in the past. Current time: 1577155257","name":"HTTPError"}}
2019-12-24 03:40:45,384 - ERROR - bitmex - Endpoint was: GET order: null
STRML commented

This message:

2019-12-24 03:40:45,384 - ERROR - bitmex - Unhandled Error: 400 Client Error: Bad Request for url: {"error":{"message":"This request has expired - `expires` is in the past. Current time: 1577155257","name":"HTTPError"}}

Indicates that your clock is skewed from the server. Please make sure that your clock is correctly set, and use network time if your OS supports it.