
Usability after nov. 23, no more bulk orders

Closed this issue · 3 comments

please help, any advice on how to tackle this would be greatly appreciated !!
as of 23 November the bulkorder endpoint will be dropped by bitmex.

I know they want to update this bot accordingly but we have no guarantee that they will or that it will be in time . .

Hey great, seems there's been a commit to remove the bulk orders, hope they also fixed the new ws endpoints, thanks Bitmex, we love you !!!!

Seems only two files have changed, this is how I fixed the changed websocket endpoint -->
in market_maker/ws/ around line 55

    # Get WS URL and connect.
    urlParts = list(urlparse(endpoint))
    urlParts[0] = urlParts[0].replace('http', 'ws')
    urlParts[1] = ""
    urlParts[2] = "/realtime?subscribe=" + ",".join(subscriptions)
    wsURL = urlunparse(urlParts)"Connecting to %s" % wsURL)
    self.__connect(wsURL)'Connected to WS. Waiting for data images, this may take a moment...')

for now this seems to hold, but for me it feels like a temporary fix as I don't really know where UrlParts[1] is normally coming from. seems to be done by this library "from urllib.parse import urlparse, urlunparse"

Kind regards
A Noob in progression

Upgraded to 1.6.0