Problem G identifier
axel578 opened this issue · 7 comments
G_identifier:'str' object has no attribute 'get' , i found this problem , i used python 2.7 and 3.7 with youtubepy and youtubepy3 but nothing worket , even from cmd python it didn't work , there were no empty lines ... :)
Many issues are appearing from the Youtube's endpoints in the last 3 days .. maybe they're changing some internal code. Also I did notice that every other version is not working including current version. I think i'll need to rewrite a huge section of the code in order to work with the new updates
In the mean time any help is appreciated.
i tried once again and I got : [E] YoutubeLike:'v' , thanks for fast answer and sorry i am a big nooby in python :)
Could you please post a sample from your emails and YouTube URL text files ?
just a 5 or 6 lines to not to spam the issue.
its in this way :
in youtube url in fact it's just the id of the video
I'm afraid you are using this program the wrong way.
The format of emails.txt needs to be like this:-
And the format of urls.txt needs to be like this :-
In case of you want to like a video
Or subscribe to channel
I know, it's a bit silly to put the full URL instead of video id or channel's id but changing that now'll confuse some people
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