
name 'xrange' is not defined

subhampro opened this issue · 6 comments

DevTools listening on ws://
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\prosu\Downloads\YouTubeShop-master\", line 96, in
File "C:\Users\prosu\Downloads\YouTubeShop-master\lib\", line 43, in put
for _ in xrange(self.q.qsize()): self.__t()
NameError: name 'xrange' is not defined

Please use Python 2 as xrange is renamed to range in Python 3

i am not able to find a stable ver of Python 2.0 ! can you share link ?

Download the latest Python 2 version from the official website

I'm closing this for now, feel free to reopen if the issue continues.

The problem is still exists even on python2

The problem is still exists even on python2
