
Open Design Guide Reading Club #1: Introduction

GBKS opened this issue · 1 comments

GBKS commented
UTCTime: 2024-09-12 12:00 UTC
Duration: 1h


Welcome to the first session of our reading club for the Open Design Guide (background). We will meet weekly and discuss one page in every call. It's best if everyone also reads it before, thinks a little about it, and prepares some notes. We will gather all our notes in the call, and ideally have a list of improvements to the content at the end.

For this first call, we will start with a quick overview of how this project came about, goals of the reading club, and a round of intros, before diving in to the introduction page.

A few notes:

  • Based on attendance and how the call goes, we can make adjustments to the format as like.
  • Calls will not be recorded to create a more private space.
  • If you cannot make it, but would like to add your thoughts on the content, you are welcome to share notes.
  • Main communication for this reading club happens in the #education channel in the Bitcoin Design Discord.
  • There's also a thread in the Open Source Design Discourse forum.

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GBKS commented

Thanks to all who joined. We had a nice group and great conversation about the guide. This being the first call, there was of course some initial ground to cover, but we did make it through the home and introduction pages. Notes are here, and I'll try to prep a PR with the changes in the next few days.

The next call is already scheduled for the coming Thursday, September 19 at 12:00 UTC (same time).