cloudatcost provider terraform
The go-cloudatcost wrapper from masayukioguni has some old code that doesn't work anymore. The wrapper from BlackTurtle123 has the fixed code.
Creating vm.
Choosing what run mode.
Update run mode.
Update vm, vm will be recreated.
provider "cloudatcost" {
api_key = "key"
login = "email"
resource "cloudatcost_instance" "servera" {
//currently not able of removing label, only updating it.
"os"="CentOS 6.7 64bit",
resource "cloudatcost_instance" "serverb" {
"os"="CentOS 6.7 64bit",
//Without depends terraform makes those at the same time
//This making it impossible for the API to know which is which server
depends_on = ["cloudatcost_instance.servera"]