
A feature-rich World Editor for PocketMine-MP

Primary LanguagePHPGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Feature-rich WorldEditor for PocketMine-MP


  • large variety of commands
  • High performance:
    • async editing, allowing the server to run normally while editing in the background
    • low memory consumption by splitting your actions into multiple smaller ones
    • read more about performance here
  • flicker-free editing
  • support for unique Patterns
  • selection axe & brushes
  • undo & redo your actions
  • tile support
  • load & save java selections (load McStructure, MCEdit & Sponge format, save to Sponge)
  • rotate & flip support
  • Translation support


<argument> - required Argument
[argument] - optional Argument


Command Description Permission Aliases/Notice
//pos1 [x] [y] [z] Set the first position easyedit.select //1
left click a block in creative with a wooden axe
//pos2 [x] [y] [z] Set the first position easyedit.select //2
break a block in creative with a wooden axe
//extend [direction] [count]
//extend vertical
Extend the selected area easyedit.select //expand
Look into the direction you want to extend to
//extend --min ,, --max ,, Modify the selected area by the given vectors easyedit.select "Min" and "Max" refer to the corners of the selection
//set <pattern> Set blocks in the selected area easyedit.edit
//replace <block> <pattern> Replace blocks in the selected area easyedit.edit
//replace <pattern> Replace all solid blocks in the selected area easyedit.edit
//overlay <pattern> Overlay blocks in the selected area easyedit.edit Set blocks above existing blocks
//naturalize [pattern] [pattern] [pattern] Naturalize the selected area easyedit.edit
//smooth Smooth the selected area easyedit.edit
//center [pattern] Set the center blocks of the selected area easyedit.edit //middle
//walls [pattern] Set the walls of the selected area easyedit.edit //wall
//sides [pattern] Set the sides of the selected area easyedit.edit //side
//move [direction] [count] Move the selected area easyedit.edit Look into the direction you want the selected blocks to move into
//stack [direction] [count] Stack the selected area easyedit.edit Look into the direction you want the selected blocks to stack into
//istack [direction] [count] Stack the selected area without overwriting existing terrain easyedit.edit
//count [radius] [-d] Count blocks in the selected area easyedit.select
//extinguish [radius] Extinguish fire in the selected area easyedit.edit //ext
//view View the selected area easyedit.select //show
also allows exporting as a 3d model (thank mojang for buggy textures)


Command Description Permission Aliases/Notice
//undo [count] Revert your latest change easyedit.history easyedit.edit
//undo <target> [count] Revert targets latest change easyedit.history easyedit.edit easyedit.edit.other Can be disabled via config
//redo [count] Revert your latest undo easyedit.history easyedit.edit
//redo <target> [count] Revert targets latest undo easyedit.history easyedit.edit easyedit.edit.other Can be disabled via config


Command Description Permission Aliases/Notice
//copy [--center] Copy the selected area easyedit.clipboard
//cut [--center] Cut the selected area and copy it to your clipboard easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit Copies and replaces with air
//paste Paste the clipboard easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit
//insert Insert the clipboard easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit Paste only into air blocks
//merge Merge current terrain with the clipboard easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit Paste only non-air blocks
//rpaste Replace current terrain with the clipboard easyedit.clipboard easyedit.edit Replace non-air blocks with non-air blocks from the selection
//rotate Rotate the clipboard easyedit.clipboard Rotates by 90 Degrees
//flip [direction] Flip the clipboard, mirroring at copied position easyedit.clipboard Flips on axis you look on, always uses selected point as "mirror"
//load <schematicName> Load a saved schematic from disk easyedit.readdisk easyedit.clipboard //loadschematic
//save <schematicName> Save your clipboard as a schematic to disk easyedit.writedisk easyedit.clipboard //saveschematic


Command Description Permission Aliases/Notice
//cube <size> <pattern> Generate a cube easyedit.generate easyedit.edit //cb
//hcube <size> <pattern> [thickness] Generate a hollow cube easyedit.generate easyedit.edit //hcb //hollowcube
//sphere <radius> <pattern> Generate a sphere easyedit.generate easyedit.edit //sph
//hsphere <radius> <pattern> [thickness] Generate a hollow sphere easyedit.generate easyedit.edit //hsph //hollowsphere
//cylinder <radius> <height> <pattern> Generate a cylinder easyedit.generate easyedit.edit //cy
//hcylinder <radius> <height> <pattern> [thickness] Generate a hollow cylinder easyedit.generate easyedit.edit //hcy //hollowcylinder
//noise Generate using a simple noise function easyedit.generate easyedit.edit


Command Description Permission Aliases/Notice
//commands [page] List all EasyEdit commands - //h //cmd
//brush sphere [radius] [pattern] [gravity] Create a spherical Brush easyedit.brush
(To use: easyedit.edit)
//br sph
//brush smooth [radius] Create a smoothing Brush easyedit.brush
(To use: easyedit.edit)
//br smooth
//brush naturalize [radius] [topBlock] [middleBlock] [bottomBlock] Create a naturalize Brush easyedit.brush
(To use: easyedit.edit)
//br nat
//brush cylinder [radius] [height] [pattern] [gravity] Create a cylindrical Brush easyedit.brush
(To use: easyedit.edit)
//br cy
//brush paste [insert] Create a pasting Brush easyedit.brush
(To use: easyedit.edit)
//br paste
//fill <Block> [direction] Fill an area easyedit.edit easyedit.generate Fills into looking direction
//drain Drain an area easyedit.edit easyedit.generate
//line <x> <y> <z> [pattern] Draw a line easyedit.edit easyedit.generate
//line [find|solid] <x> <y> <z> [pattern] Find a valid path to the destination (slow) easyedit.edit easyedit.generate "find" allows diagonals
//blockinfo Get a blockinfo stick easyedit.util //bi
//builderrod Get a builder rod easyedit.rod //rod
Expands the clicked blockface
//status Check on the EditThread easyedit.manage
//cancel Cancel the current task easyedit.manage
//benchmark Start a benchmark easyedit.manage This will create a temporary world and edit a few preset actions
//pastestates Paste all known blockstates easyedit.edit easyedit.generate easyedit.manage Mainly for debugging (can be used as an oversight of all existing blocks though)
//wand Get a wooden Axe easyedit.util Every normal axe works as well (as long as you have permissions and are in creative mode)


Command Description Permission Aliases/Notice
//thru Teleport through blocks easyedit.util //t
//unstuck Teleport to a safe location easyedit.util //u
//up Teleport up easyedit.util easyedit.edit Places a glass block below you for simplified selecting


Visit the wiki for information on patterns.

All variants of bedrock and java states are supported.


To load external schematic files, place them in the "schematics" folder inside the EasyEdit plugin data folder.
Just execute //load <schematicName> to load them and then use //paste to paste them. Omitting the name (//load) will list all available schematics.

To save a schematic, use //save . This will save the current clipboard (which was previous copied using //copy) to the schematics folder.

Schematics are fully compatible with the java edition. When loading or saving a schematic, the file will be automatically converted to the java format.
This includes blocks and tile entities.

Supported Formats:

  • Sponge
  • McEdit (reading only)
  • McStructure (reading only)


EasyEdit aims to be as fast as possible while still allowing for a ton of features.
All operations are executed asynchronously, meaning that the server will not lag while editing. You can always check the status of the current operation using //status.

Other world editors usually load the entirety of the selection into memory, which makes your server run out of memory very quickly.
EasyEdit counteracts this by loading chunks on the fly, only loading the blocks that are actually being edited at the moment.
This means that you can edit huge areas without having to worry about your server crashing. There is practically no limit to how many blocks you can edit at once.