
Bug in number of samples?

ftadel opened this issue · 4 comments

A user of the Brainstorm software reported an error related with the reading of this file:

The error is initially documented here:

Here is how to reproduce the behavior I don't understand (Win10):

DataFile = 'C:\...\G38-1.ns6';
rec = openNSx(DataFile, 'noread', 'nozeropad');
nSamples = rec.MetaTags.DataPoints;    % 70943612

rec = openNSx('read', DataFile , 'channels', 1, 'sample', 't:1:70943612', 'p:short', 'uV');
nSamplesRead = size(rec.Data,2);  % 70943714

Why does the second call to openNSx return 70943714 samples instead of 70943612?

PS: the version of the library used in this example is the last stable release:

Hi, Thanks for reporting this. I'll check it out later this week.

Best, Kian

Hi Francois,

I tried to access the data file, but got an error message:
Screen Shot 2021-12-03 at 12 44 47 PM

Could you please ask the user to upload the problematic data file again? I'm OK with the 5 GB file.


I'm sorry, our user have deleted the file before you could download it.
On the Brainstorm forum, I asked to make it available. I'll let you know when the file can be downloaded again.