Some useful commands
volgar1x opened this issue · 9 comments
Here is somme commands i'd like to implement :
- GoInstall this command will install the current file's relative package
example :GoInstall . -> will install current file's package
example :GoInstall ./childpkg -> will install the current file's child package
etc - GoTest this command will test the current file's relative package (same as above)
- GoPlay this command will post current file on
- NewGo this command will create a new golang file with a pre-inserted package depending on directory's name where the file is created
- Edit Import to allow relatives imports
- want some more ?
I'm trying to give completion to GoInstall and GoTest commands. It partially works, here is what I started :
function! GocodeCompletePkg(arg, cmd, index)
let s:base=DirName(@%)
let s:dirs=filter(split(globpath(s:base, a:arg.'*'), '\n'), 'isdirectory(v:val)')
let s:ndirs=len(s:dirs)
if s:ndirs <= 0
return ''
elseif s:ndirs == 1
let s:matched=s:dirs[0]
let s:matched=s:dirs[0] " TODO select the next match
return substitute(s:matched, s:base.'/', '', '').'/' " add a trailing / to quickly match a child
I would like to select the next match, any help will be nicely accepted :)
where is the go run?
It is not implemented yet.
first,your work is great,thx for your contribution.
here,i have a question :if this plugin will auto-install gocode in GOPATH/src/ because i don't remember i have installed it there manually. the reason why i chose this plugin is that i can store all this in .vim fold and upload it to github.In this way, i can clone it back easily when i have a new machine.
It currently does not install automatically nsf/gocode and I do not think that is the plug-in job. You can add, for yourself, in your .vimrc :
system("go install")
I don't think I will create new commands anymore.