
Big Sur Compatibility

Opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi! Just wondering if this script has been updated to be compatible with newer versions of Mac OS. Thanks!

I'll be starting on Big Sur support in November. Thanks for checking out the project :) .

To help me out a bit, are there any specific errors or bugs when trying to build and run this on Big Sur?

Just wanted to give a quick update on this.

Apple changed how ScreenSaver Previews were launched which caused a bit of grief for me but I've managed to make some decent progress towards regaining the functionality required for LockScream to work.

I know that Monterey just came out and that support for that version may become an issue in the near future but I'm still going to focus on getting Big Sur support working first as I know many corporate environments that are still adopting Big Sur and won't be moving to Monterey for some time.

Thanks for your patience.