
Bypass clone stage?

Closed this issue Β· 35 comments

I use jenkins to deploy and it fetches the repo already down to /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/my git repo/

Is there anyway to to bypass clone stage and use the files already there?

You might override the rsync:create_stage and rsync:stage tasks, it should allow you to remove the git operations

@Bladrak Could you make this a config option?

We could, but I'm not sure this is mandatory, given you can override those tasks quite easily. However, we could add some documentation to explain how to do it. Would you mind trying this solution, so we can proof-test it before documenting it?

@Bladrak yes! do you have some instructions?

You could try putting the following code in your deploy.rb:

namespace :rsync do
  task :create_stage do
  task :stage do

And set the :rsync_stage option to your git directory.

@Bladrak can the rsync_stage option be set to relative e.g. ./

Yes, it can :)

@Bladrak it worked! how can I omit .git and .idea files from being uploaded?

set :rsync_options, %w[--recursive --delete --delete-excluded --exclude .git* --exclude .idea*]

Also, see :)

@Bladrak works thank you πŸ‘

One more for you:

      01 rsync --recursive --delete --delete-excluded --exclude .git* --exclude .idea* . x@xx:/var/www/vhosts/xx/shared/deploy
xx@xx's password: 
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/composer"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/jsonlint"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/lessc"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/pdepend"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/phpcs"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/phpmd"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/phpunit"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/static-review.php"
      01 skipping non-regular file "vendor/bin/validate-json"

Why is it skipping these files?

Because they are binaries. Check the manual page for rsync if you want to include them nonetheless

@Bladrak It seems to ignore the ssh key specified in deploy.rb to do the rsync and therefore fails on my server:

set :ssh_options, {:keys => ["#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/xxx"] }

I think you need to put this as an rsync option (you can specify the ssh command through the rsync options).


It does:

      01 git fetch --quiet --all --prune --depth=1
    βœ” 01 jenkins@localhost 1.016s
      02 git reset --quiet --hard origin/master

Which is an issue as it would overwrite your branch with master.

Weird, it shouldn't if it's overridden. I'll check

Ok, try adding :


Before re-defining the tasks in your deploy.rb file.


Still did it for me:

00:00 rsync:stage
      01 git fetch --quiet --all --prune --depth=1
    βœ” 01 jenkins@localhost 1.134s
      02 git reset --quiet --hard origin/master
    βœ” 02 jenkins@localhost 0.029s

Could you copy/paste your deploy.rb?

See below:

# config valid only for current version of Capistrano
lock '3.7.1'

set :application, 'xx'
set :repo_url, ''
set :deploy_to, '/var/www/vhosts/xx'
set :scm, :rsync

# bypass rsync to local

namespace :rsync do
  task :stage do
  task :stage do

set :rsync_stage, '.'
set :rsync_options, %w[-e 'ssh -i /var/lib/jenkins/.ssh/xx' --recursive --delete --delete-excluded --exclude .git* --exclude .idea*]

# Default value for :linked_files is [
#  									   'app/etc/env.php',
#									   'var/.setup_cronjob_status',
#									   'var/.update_cronjob_status',
#									   'pub/sitemap.xml'
# 									 ]
# set :linked_files, fetch(:linked_files, []).push('config/database.yml', 'config/secrets.yml')

# Default value for linked_dirs is [
#                                    'pub/media',
#                                    'var/backups',
#                                    'var/composer_home',
#                                    'var/importexport',
#                                    'var/import_history',
#                                    'var/log',
#                                    'var/session',
#                                    'var/tmp'
#                                  ]
# set :linked_dirs, fetch(:linked_dirs, []).push('log', 'tmp/pids', 'tmp/cache', 'tmp/sockets', 'public/system')

# Default value for keep_releases is 5
set :keep_releases, 3

set :ssh_options, {:keys => ["#{ENV['HOME']}/.ssh/xx"] }

Try clear_actions instead of clear and maybe add some debugging (puts) in the re-defined tasks?

@Bladrak Still did the same I'm afraid

Ok, then I guess we'll need the option you suggested. I won't have the time to do that in the near future, however if you can't wait you can always submit a pull request with it, I'll take time to review, merge and publish.

@Bladrak #27

I don't program in ruby - does it make sense to you? πŸ‘

Seems good, thanks :)

I've pushed 1.4 to release this feature, tell me if that's ok for you?

@Bladrak That's great thank you. When will 1.4 be released?

@Bladrak Excellent thanks. Probably should have called it rsync_bypass_git_clone now that I think about it :)

Disregard, I had 1.3.8 in my Gemfile


Something didn't work:

(Backtrace restricted to imported tasks)
cap aborted!
NameError: undefined local variable or method `bypass_git_clone' for main:Object

Tasks: TOP => rsync:create_release => rsync:release => rsync => rsync:stage_done => rsync:stage
(See full trace by running task with --trace)
The deploy has failed with an error: undefined local variable or method `bypass_git_clone' for main:Object

** Refer to log/capistrano.log for details. Here are the last 20 lines:

This is my deploy.rb addition:

# bypass rsync to local
set :bypass_git_clone, true

I've release 1.4.1 which should fix that

@Bladrak Thank you that worked.

However it is still doing it, even in 1.4.1?

00:00 rsync:stage
      01 git fetch --quiet --all --prune --depth=1
    βœ” 01 jenkins@localhost 1.362s
      02 git reset --quiet --hard origin/master
    βœ” 02 jenkins@localhost 0.595s
    βœ” 01 jenkins@localhost 1.361s
    βœ” 02 jenkins@localhost 0.314s

@craigcarnell sorry, I realized the if wasn't correct, fixed in 1.4.2

@Bladrak Thank you, it works πŸ‘