
Just a script to convert the data from the Ufc-Scrapper repository to a format that is easier to work with my Rating-Algorithms-Visualizer.

Kinda special, because it's a script. wasn't designed to be reused


Must have csv file in format of name1, name2, result1, result2, date(yyyy-mm-dd))

py -m pip install -r requirements.txt

py main.py path-to-csv-file

data will be generated in data folder

I left fights.csv file which is a real example based on all UFC fights

Supported Algorithms:

about FirešŸ”„ Model

You are legally unallowed to read this if you are mathematician, or every wanted to be one

Players start with 10 Points

On every win, they get All Opponent Points, and Opponent lose half of his

On a loss, they lose half of his points

On a draw, half of the differential points between him and his opponent get added to both of their points (ex Rating(30), Rating(20) -> Rating(25), Rating(25))