
API返回英文字段 | API Returns English Fields

BlankerL opened this issue · 4 comments







Thank you for your support.

Currently, API is able to return English fields, the attribute names are the name of the continent continentEnglishName, the name of the country countryEnglishName, the name of the province provinceEnglishName and the name of the citycityEnglishName.

The detailed information can be found in API documentation.

All the English names of cities are manually collected from Wikipedia and are full names of the cities, which I suppose will help most of the people understand them.

Historical data also contain the English version of city names now.

Furthermore, due to the increase in the returned fields, the amount of data responded per request will inevitably increase, so the number of requests that the website can respond to per second will decrease again. Please do not call the API frequently.

I suppose I can fix your Engrish:

Currently, the /nCoV/api/area API is able to return fields translated to English, including name of the continent as continentEnglishName, name of the country as countryEnglishName, name of the province as provinceEnglishName and name of the city as cityEnglishName.
Now historical data contains translated fields, too.

The title is changed accordingly:

API returns translated fields

I suppose I can fix your Engrish:

Currently, the /nCoV/api/area API is able to return fields translated to English, including name of the continent as continentEnglishName, name of the country as countryEnglishName, name of the province as provinceEnglishName and name of the city as cityEnglishName.
Now historical data contains translated fields, too.

The title is changed accordingly:

API returns translated fields

Thank you for your advice, I switched to your version for seconds and switch back because I think all the English version of the names of cities is published on Wikipedia. I do not do the translating job, and the translation might be globally-accepted.


