
Integration with user signals(Likes, upvotes,...) and feedback components

giuseppelt opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I created an react plugin to easily integrate Like buttons, Emoji reactions, "Is this page useful?" widgets with up/downvote or custom feedback forms to receive signals from users.

Are you open to integrate it in your template? I can create a PR to setup the integration. It will be just a few line of code. I will make the integration optional, meaning that if the setting_key is missing (the user doesn't want to use the plugin), nothing is affected and nothing will change.

In general, the plugin allows to receive any kind of feedback, but I think a Like button for blog posts and a Is this page useful? with up/downvotes for documentation pages will be useful. Nonetheless, it's very easy and customizable.

Let me know.

Hi, thanks for the suggestion.

I don't think many enterprise projects would benefit from such an addon, but it is indeed great for personal blogs, social platforms, or marketplaces. I also try to avoid adding third parties (with pricing) unless they're very well-known and have been battle-tested over the years since this is a starter kit for enterprise projects and the idea is that you can trust it will work

All best,