
Error opening track with space in file name

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I'm on Linux - Arch x86_64.

Opening this track by running the shell command:

famistudio /usr/share/famistudio/Demo\ Songs/Sonic\ 1.fms

Fails with:

Error opening input file /usr/share/famistudio/Demo.

Interestingly, the error only seems to occur when there is a space in both the file name and in path that leads to the file.
I have listed below a list of commands labeled with weather or not they work.

famistudio /usr/share/famistudio/Demo\ Songs/Nice.fms # [WORKS] there is not a space in the file name.
cd /usr/share/famistudio/Demo\ Songs/ ; famistudio Sonic\ 1.fms # [WORKS] there is only a space in the file name
famistudio /usr/share/famistudio/Demo\ Songs/Sonic\ 1.fms # [DOES NOT WORK] there is a space in the file name and in 'Demo Songs'

Using quotation marks also does not work:

famistudio /usr/share/famistudio/Demo\ Songs/Sonic\ 1.fms # [DOES NOT WORK] same error

My mistake,
All works fine when I invoke famistudio like this:

mono FamiStudio.exe Demo\ Songs/Sonic\ 1.fms

So the issue is with the shell script provided by the aur's famistudio package:

$ cat /usr/bin/famistudio

mono /usr/share/famistudio/FamiStudio.exe $*

I will close the issue as I believe is a problem with the aur package and not famistudio itself.