
Project status

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hi, I'm developer of the other C# wrapper.

I don't have enough time to take care of the project, so the development stalls and there are no new features coming. About half a year ago, I've asked you on Discord about the project status and offered link from my project readme to your repo.

As I've definitely stopped developing the package, it's time to ask again. Is your project ready? I didn't test it, but if it's ready, I'd like to link your wrapper from mine to offer developers alternative to my old wrapper.



Except for the latest v.4.0.0 update, it is ready, but I think there are some additional properties that need to be added to some models.

Ok, great. I added link to your wrapper into readme of my project and I'll create issue to move my wrapper into the discontinued section at the unofficial api docs.

Good luck with your project.