
Query: is it possible to extend configuation file auto-naming to include floppy images?

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Currently, user can follow this process ;

-GUI->Quickstart->WHDLoad auto-config:->Select file->Start
Note: the above can be amiberry path/to/whdload.lha at cmdline, or in desktop via mime-type associated with that file extension, which calls amiberry ~ ostensibly the same thing.

-If the XML configures the title perfectly to match user's setup, no further action is required.

-If OTOH the XML configures the title in a way that requires the user to change a setting ;

-F12->GUI->Display panel (set to fullscreen)->Configurations panel --> Name/Description fields pre-filled correctly, user just has to click Save -> Resume (user might repeat this process a few times before arriving at their 'perfect' setup). Next time this title is started, amiberry will use the config.uae instead of the XML, and auto-config the title just the way the user wants it.

Would it be possible to implement that Configurations panel --> Name/Description fields pre-filled correctly step, when handling floppy images? In that instance, there is no XML to reference, so the title is launched with the defacto base A500 machine type with ks1.3 rom (or whatever user has defined in conf/default.uae if it exists), but likewise if user wants to change anything here specifically for that title, having the fields pre-filled with floppydiskname ...and perhaps description would be selected machine type(?)... would streamline operations and save the user having to enter the correct (sometimes bizarre) name to associate with that title floppy image.



Works great, kudos ;)