
Graphic issue with Trolls_AGA and Start Problem with Trolls

Closed this issue · 2 comments

  1. Graphic issue with "Trolls_v1.2_AGA_0996.lha": All platforms disappear when the character is moved to the upper area of the levels!

This happens in my current build (buster + RePi 4.8.6 + Amiberry 5.6.8), in my older build (stretch + RePi 4.5.11 + Amiberry 3.0.11) this does not happen.

Start the game -> move into the first door (TOYLAND AREA 1) -> Jump on the first platform above you -> jump on the second platform -> jump on the airplane and time it clever so you can jump further to the third platform on the right (a lovely bear is sitting on it) -> and then only jump up and you will see that all platforms are disappearing when you entering a certain height, when you fall down on the platform everything comes back into the picture. -> This can be recreated in every other level too.

I found no setting in the GUI to fix it.

  1. Searching for a working alternative for Trolls I ran into the start problem of "Trolls_v1.2":
    Amiga DOS Error: "Exception "Illegal Instruction" ($E010) at $23958E (Slave $16E) occured.
    In my older build I did not have this problem.

I found out when I create a config-file and set the CPU from 68000 to 68020 the game runs.
No graphic issue in this version.

The third alternative of Trolls ("Trolls_v1.3_CD32.lha") is running promptly and does also not have the graphic issue.

Regarding Trolls_v1.2_AGA_0996.lha, I can recreate the issue in both master and preview. The Preview version is in-sync with the latest WinUAE, so I suspect this is an upstream bug there as well, but I didn't have a chance to test it.

The issue with Trolls_v1.2 seems to be in the package itself: it requires an 020 CPU, when it shouldn't. This is fixable by changing the requirements in the XML of course - @HoraceAndTheSpider

Seeing as it's been some time since this was checked, decided to test the above scenarios (+1) using Preview/x86-64, to see if any changes between then and the now (nearly 6months), has made any difference here.

./amiberry Trolls_v1.2.lha -- > As per above results, crashes ; requires CPU=68020 to work ; it shouldn't (OCS/ECS title)

./amiberry Trolls_v1.3_CD32.lha --> works as expected, top levels playable/visible

./amiberry cdroms/trolls/"Trolls (1993)(Flair Software)(PAL)[!].cue" --> works as expected, top levels playable/visible

./amiberry Trolls_v1.2_AGA_0996.lha --> ...WHDLoad splash screen corrupted...(textbox background)...


...intro sequence runs, displaying various bad graphics artifacts on each cut-scene and during the pages of credits. Game loader splash screen is correct....gameplay is correct, until reaching upper levels which visibly disappear. From start-up through into gameplay, music replay is uninterrupted, and sfx in-game always heard. Quit amiberry...this result tallies.

Test 2: Object of the test, is to sanity check the whdbooter environment, by using a real AmigaOS install instance instead.

./amiberry conf/ClassicWB-P96.uae //<-- I hope that is self-explanatory enough ;)

Extract the same Trolls_v1.2_AGA_0996.lha file to; DH3:, open the resultant drawer, double-click on the game icon...

...intro sequence runs, there are no graphical artifacts/glitches during intro sequence ...instead, music playback gets interrupted at that same moment graphical glitches would've occurred in amiberry direct-load. Gameplay is correct, however music replay (I think it's using PT based mod) is still being interrupted, and sfx related to pick-ups do not always trigger, and are often not heard ...and again, towards the top of the Toyland level, the platform(s) disappear. At some points when you trigger a sfx replay, the end of the sample 'hangs' and becomes repetitive 'chirping'. Quit amiberry.

Next...head over to the mantis bug-tracker for this title, to check if there's any tickets listed... I think there's 3 related to the disappearing upper level, all from UAE users...of more interest to me, is those few reports allegedly using real Amiga A600 hw, getting what they describe as a 'squeaking' noise.....

...'chirping' is very close to 'squeaking' in effect, and if I can replicate that, using amiberry/ClassicWB, similar to what's happening on real Amiga hw (and AmigaOS instance), that result tends to suggest the Trolls_v1.2_AGA_0996.lha archive is to blame here...seeing as the amiberry emulation mimics the A600 situation with the same whdload.lha file.

I don't think there's an amiberry related bug here (nor upstream in WinUAE) conclusions;

*Trolls_v1.2.lha has a problem (but runs fine with CPU=68020) -- this is fodder for @HoraceAndTheSpider

*Trolls_v1.2_AGA_0996.lha has a bigger problem -- this is fodder for the mantis bug-tracker