
Query: can widget visibility be improved when using dark GUI colours? [GUI Theming]

giantclambake opened this issue · 0 comments

When using dark colored GUI themes, things can end up looking like this ;


The shading works well wrt what options are active/unavailable, however it's really hard to see which options are selected.

Same image again, with widget color changed to white;


I do not know if the color of widgets can be changed ~ I chose to example white; simple color invert... because that would seem to me to be the quick easy fix, and stands apart from font color....I kinda like that look ;)

Or assign a color to widget background?...(white again in example, but might be user configurable);


Is there anything along these lines that can be done to improve selection widget visibility?


(amiberry.conf color settings used above)

gui_theme_font_color=17, 243, 50
gui_theme_base_color=54, 8, 181
gui_theme_selector_inactive=53, 7, 87
gui_theme_selector_active=43, 88, 120
gui_theme_selection_color=15, 27, 217
gui_theme_textbox_background=44, 42, 43