
Doc: GUI -> Miscellaneous panel -> helptext [update]

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...for your consideration..

Seems like the helptext here was rather old, describing the Status Line a little inaccurately compared to now, and only touched upon a few options (maybe there weren't so many long ago)..but in any event, to be sure it's up to date, I redrafted the entire text, and included a small sub-para on Status Line, as that seemed to be part of the original intent.

Basically an expurgated cut&paste from the wiki, reordered somewhat to bring the key/LED settings to the top.

....for src/osdep/gui/PanelMisc.cpp

@ line 805

        helptext.emplace_back("In this panel you can control various emulator options that aren't covered by any of");
        helptext.emplace_back("the previous panels. Changes made here can be saved to a .uae config file and will");
        helptext.emplace_back("override any defaults that may exist in the amiberry.conf file. The naming of these");
        helptext.emplace_back("options makes their usage reasonably apparent, however they are detailed in full");
        helptext.emplace_back("below for further clarity.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("On the right of this panel you can assign some common keys or buttons, for use with");
        helptext.emplace_back("the emulation control:");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Open GUI: The key to open the main Amiberry GUI. The F12 key is the default.");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Quit Key: A key to quit Amiberry immediately. No default is set.");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Action Replay: A key to open Action Replay/HRTmon. The Pause key is the default.");
        helptext.emplace_back("- FullScreen: A key to toggle Fullscreen/Fullwindow/Windowed mode. No default is set.");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Minimize: A key to minimize Amiberry. No default is set.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("Below that, you can assign your keyboard's LEDs to blink and indicate the activity");
        helptext.emplace_back("and status of various functions within the emulation. The available functions are:");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Power: Power LED (on/off)");
        helptext.emplace_back("- DF0-DF3: drive activity (will blink when the drive is reading/writing)");
        helptext.emplace_back("- HD: Hard Drive activity (will blink when the drive is reading/writing)");
        helptext.emplace_back("- CD: CD Drive activity (will blink when the CD drive is reading)");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("The descriptions of the various emulator options available here are;");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Untrap = middle button: This option enables the use of the mouse middle button to");
        helptext.emplace_back("  release control of the mouse pointer in Amiberry. If enabled, the middle mouse");
        helptext.emplace_back("  button cannot be used under AmigaOS.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Show GUI on startup: This option controls if the GUI should be shown on startup,");
        helptext.emplace_back("  when a configuration file is loaded. If you want to start emulating immediately");
        helptext.emplace_back("  when loading a config file, you can disable this option.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Always on top: Set Amiberry window to be always on top of other windows.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- GUI Always on top: Set Amiberry GUI window to be always on top of other windows.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Synchronize clock: Syncs the Amiga clock to the host time.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- One second reboot pause: This option inserts a one-second delay, during reboots.");
        helptext.emplace_back("  Useful if the emulation is too fast, and you want to enter the Early Startup Menu");
        helptext.emplace_back("  by holding down both mouse buttons.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Faster RTG: This option will skip parts of the custom chipset emulation, when RTG");
        helptext.emplace_back("  modes are active. This will help performance with RTG modes, and is the default.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Clipboard sharing: This option allows you to share the clipboard between AmigaOS");
        helptext.emplace_back("  and the host OS, and you can copy/paste text between the two if this is enabled.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Allow native code: This option enables the support for using \"host-run\" and other");
        helptext.emplace_back("  similar tools, to launch host commands from inside the emulated system. Since this");
        helptext.emplace_back("  can also be a security risk, it's disabled by default.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("The Status Line displays information about the emulation activity like sound buffer");
        helptext.emplace_back("and CPU usage, FPS, and disk activity, and on some platforms the temperature of the");
        helptext.emplace_back("SoC/board. You can use the following two options to enable/disable this feature;");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Status Line native: Shows the status line when native (PAL/NTSC) screens are open.");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Status Line RTG: Same as the native option above, this will show the status line");
        helptext.emplace_back("  in RTG modes. If you want it always visible, you can enable both options.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Log illegal memory accesses: If enabled, then illegal memory accesses from the");
        helptext.emplace_back("  emulated environment will be logged in the logfile (if that is enabled).");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Minimize when focus is lost: If enabled, when Amiberry loses focus it will then");
        helptext.emplace_back("  automatically minimize it's window.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Master floppy write protection: This option allows you to centrally write-protect");
        helptext.emplace_back("  all floppy images, to avoid accidentally writing something to them.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Master harddrive write protection: Same as the above option, but for hard drives.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Hide all UAE autoconfig boards: If enabled all UAE-specific boards will be hidden");
        helptext.emplace_back("  from the system in emulation.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- RCtrl = RAmiga: Use the RCtrl as the RAmiga key, in lieu of Right Windows key");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Capture mouse when window is activated: If this option is enabled, the mouse will");
        helptext.emplace_back("  be automatically captured if the Amiberry window is selected.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- A600/A1200/A4000 IDE scsi.device disabled: This option will disable the internal");
        helptext.emplace_back("  IDE scsi.device for those Amiga models, making it faster to boot up.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Alt-Tab releases control: When enabled, you can use Alt-Tab to release control");
        helptext.emplace_back("  from Amiberry. If enabled, that key combination cannot be used under AmigaOS.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Warp mode reset: If enabled, \"Warp mode\" is used to speed-up the reset process.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("If a valid RetroArch config is found by Amiberry, the following options apply;");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Use RetroArch Quit button: If enabled, a retroarch mapping for Quit will be valid.");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Use RetroArch Menu button: Same as above for retroarch mapping for Opening the GUI");
        helptext.emplace_back("- Use RetroArch Reset button: Same as above for the retroarch mapping for Resetting");
        helptext.emplace_back("  the emulation.");
        helptext.emplace_back(" ");