
Query: GUI -> Chipset -> Cycle Exact (Full) always shows enabled

Closed this issue · 3 comments

On the relevant wiki/GUI:-Chipset page it reads;

Cycle Exact: These options allow you to enable Cycle Exact mode for the Chipset. This will increase compatibility, but also requires significantly more resources to emulate, so it's not enabled by default. Currently only available for A500 emulation.

Launch amiberry -> Chipset panel, this option shows as enabled. Further, changing the Amiga machine; A1200 ...this option still shows as enabled.

AFAICT, this might be due to the fact the default amiberry.conf file does not contain the param cycle_exact=false ?


It's only enabled in the Preview v6.x versions, which is following WinUAE closely.

Wiki updated to reflect that difference. The screenshots and docs refer to the v5.x versions still, and there are differences in v6.x that are not in the Wiki at this point.

Understood, thanks for the clarification & wiki update ;)