
Query: wiki/WHDLoad-Auto-booting [discrepancy]

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Not sure if this is a bug, or documentation errata. On the cited wiki page, it states;

Emulator Requirements

The following archive should exist adjacent to the Amiberry binary file: (These folders/files are provided with Amiberry)

    whdboot/ must contain the [Amiga WHDLoad Booter]( program.

However, an unpacked whdboot/boot-data folder may also be used.

The query here is wrt the last line above.

Test case:

Extract the archive into cwd/whdboot/
Move the archive outside of the amiberry tree //move it to ~/ or where-ever
Using cmdline or GUI, autoload a known good working whdload.lha file // ie; ./amiberry CannonFodder_v1.2_CD32.lha

Observed result....


Quit amiberry.

Move the archive back into the cwd/whdboot/ path //leave the extracted directories/files therein
Now using cmdline or GUI, autoload the same whdload.lha file -->> result should be 'works as expected'

I can only presume that the cwd/whdboot directory, is not being virtually mounted as DH3: in the queried situation ?


Invalid -- misread, desired path is cwd/whdboot/boot-data/

My bad, closing....maybe I need new glasses ;^/

...found the cerebral short-circuit....

"However, an unpacked whdboot/boot-data folder may also be used."

....for clarity, that should read....

"However, unpacking into a whdboot/boot-data folder may also be used."