
After using Rescan Paths button, ROM selection defaults to KS ROM v3.1 (A4000)

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To recreate; //presuming an existing ~/Amiberry/roms directory populated with all required Amiga rom files

Launch amiberry -> GUI -> Paths panel --> hit Rescan Paths button --> hit OK to dismiss dialog box

Goto ROM panel ---> KS ROM v3.1 (A4000) rev 40.68 (512k) is selected .... user may go Quickstart -> Select floppy title --> Start at this time, and you'll hit the error 'the selected system rom requires 68020 or later' (do NOT hit OK here, unless you want to see amiberry behaving badly =)

Note: if you Quit amiberry, and then launch amiberry again, the ROM selection is correct for the Quickstart profile (KS 1.3)

Seems at time after rescan, it's not refreshing ROM to default Quickstart profile?