
.notebook file being renamed as a .zip file

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Is there any way to work around this? Your plugin works great for fixing some weird upload issues with specific .ppt files, but when the plugin is active all .notebook files become .zips.

  Naive Name: 026-Badinerie-JS-Bach.notebook
  Naive Extension: notebook
  Naive Type: application/x-smarttech-notebook
  Magic Type: application/zip
  Best Type: application/zip

  Extension: zip
  Type: application/zip
  Code: 107

  Kernel: Linux downloads 4.15.0-124-generic #127-Ubuntu SMP Fri Nov 6 10:54:43 UTC 2020 x86_64
  Modules: Core; PDO; Phar; Reflection; SPL; SimpleXML; Zend OPcache; bcmath; calendar; cgi-fcgi; ctype; curl; date; dom; exif; fileinfo; filter; ftp; gd; gettext; hash; iconv; igbinary; imagick; json; libxml; mbstring; mysqli; mysqlnd; openssl; pcre; pdo_mysql; posix; readline; redis; session; shmop; soap; sockets; sodium; standard; sysvmsg; sysvsem; sysvshm; tokenizer; wddx; xml; xmlreader; xmlrpc; xmlwriter; xsl; zip; zlib
  WordPress: 5.7
  Plugins: acf [5.9.5]; amazon-s3-and-cloudfront [2.5.4]; backupbuddy []; blob-mimes [1.2.4]; disable-gutenberg [2.4]; elastic-email-sender [1.1.35]; folders [2.6.8]; gravityforms [2.4.23]; rocket [3.8.7]; wordfence [7.4.14]; wordpress-seo [16.0.2]; wp-help [1.7.0]; wp-sitemap-page [1.6.4]
  Theme: pl-theme []

Thanks for reporting, @stuininga-pl!

I just pushed a workaround that should improve .notebook support for you. Once your site recognizes the update, would you mind giving Lord of the Files 1.2.6 a shot and letting me know if you're able to upload those files (without them getting renamed) now?

I'll leave the issue open in the meantime just in case.

Hey @joshstoik1, thanks for that speedy reply! I just updated the plugin and reattempted the upload and it uploaded perfectly.

Thanks so much for your help!