Display settings button/menu
ricardoavelino opened this issue · 2 comments
Currently our display settings button is quite overwhelming, with 5 additional options.
I suggest we slowly move this information to a "pop-up" box as in rv2, with at least 3 tabs. Two for form/force and one general settings tab. Here is the reference:
Here are some thoughts on what could be on it. We can use this issue as channel discussion.
I would also definitely take out the options "Move Form / Force diagrams" out of this button. For me it makes sense to create a button "Move" with options Form/ Force / Both.
edge-label: T/F
force-label: T/F
vertex-label: T/F
show-pipes: T/F
pipes-scale: [float]
ind-edges-color: set color
leaf edges-color: set color
compression/tension: T/F
if compression/tension == False allows for changing:
edge-label-color: set color
vertex-label-color: set color
edge-label: T/F
force-label: T/F
vertex-label: T/F
diagram-scale: [float]
ind-edges-color: set color <this needs to be common to form/force>
leaf edges-color: set color <this needs to be common to form/force>
compression/tension: T/F
if compression/tension == False allows for changing:
edge-label-color: set color
vertex-label-color: set color
Autoupdate: T/F
show deviations: T/F
yes, i agree (in principle, i haven't looked at your proposal). we should also provide a table with structural information rather than showing forces in labels. labels should be used as little as possible
can you maybe file another issue for the structural info tables?