
Cannot use multiple USB midi devices with same name

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I tried plugging in two boutique series synths and thanks to Roland they both are just called "Boutique" in aplay -l and lsusb. This causes weird behavior in the UI: It's not possible to connect anything to both device's midi outputs as modep thinks they're the same device.

I'm not sure where modep gets the name from but there are other (unique) attributes one could use. Like ID.

I would be very grateful for a workaround too until this is fixed. I've tried putting something together with udev rules but so far I've had no luck.

Hey, this would have to be addressed by MOD Devices team developing the software.

I think a possible workaround is writing a udev rule to change the name of one of the devices, as mentioned here:

The USB devices by standard can provide this pieces of information - Vendor Id, Product Id, Manufacturer Name, Product Name, Product Serial. The Product Serial is the one that may differ between the device instances, but I don't know if Roland makes use of it. If not, then it may be possible to add some ID number to the name.