
Knock Off should not be able to knock off Mega Stones or cause extra damage

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Aeliko commented


Aeliko commented

Knock Off

Generation V

Knock Off now removes the held item rather than rendering it unusable; this means that the Pokémon can obtain another item if its held item is removed by Knock Off. However, Recycle still cannot recover an item removed by Knock Off.

And other stuff, so it needs modernisation

Knock Off now removes the held item rather than rendering it unusable; this means that the Pokémon can obtain another item if its held item is removed by Knock Off. However, Recycle still cannot recover an item removed by Knock Off.

Wild Pokémon cannot remove held items of the player's Pokémon.

If the user faints due to the target's Ability (Rough Skin or Iron Barbs) or held Rocky Helmet, it cannot remove the target's held item. However, Knock Off will still remove the target's held item if the user faints due to its own held Life Orb. If Knock Off causes a Pokémon with the Sticky Hold Ability to faint, it can now remove that Pokémon's held item.

Knock Off can now remove a held Griseous Orb from any Pokémon other than Giratina. Knock Off cannot remove a Plate if the target is Arceus (Multitype has no effect on Knock Off), and cannot remove a Drive if the target is Genesect. If those Pokémon use Knock Off on a target holding this item (whenever or not the target benefits from holding the item), the item will not be removed.

Knock Off's power has been increased from 20 to 65.

Knock Off cannot remove a Z-Crystal from any Pokémon, a Mega Stone or Orb if the target could use it to Mega Evolve or undergo Primal Reversion, a memory if the target is Silvally, a Rusted Sword from Zacian, a Rusted Shield from Zamazenta, or a Booster Energy from any Paradox Pokémon (excluding Koraidon and Miraidon), even if it hasn't consumed the item because its Ability triggered from the appropriate weather or terrain condition instead.

If Knock Off is used on a Pokémon that is holding an item that can be knocked off, its base power will be boosted by 50%. Knock Off cannot remove the held item of a target that has Sticky Hold or if it hits the target's substitute, but the bonus damage will apply anyway. If used on a Pokémon weak to Dark-type moves holding a Colbur Berry, the Colbur Berry will still be eaten, but Knock Off will get the damage boost regardless. If used on a Pokémon that cannot lose its held item — such as a Pokémon holding its corresponding Mega Stone — this move will not receive the boost. Additionally, the boost will also not be applied if the user of Knock Off targets a Pokémon holding an item that would not be able to be removed from it.