Shortcuts are wrong on non-QWERTY keyboards.
miyoyo opened this issue · 3 comments
While the minecraft OC returns codes adjusted for different keyboard layouts, the emulator only adjusts the returned char. Applications (such as edit) that rely on the Ctrl+* event, which only returns the letter (from 1 to 26) as well as the code of the pressed key, don't work correctly.
Recording of A press (Same position as Q on qwerty)
(Side note, but probably nitpicking, in minecraft OC, the hard drive folder is only read on startup to ram, and flushed to on either file creation, or unload of the computer)
In minecraft OC, you can set bufferChanges to false and it doesn't do that behavior anymore, instead immediately writing changes to disk and not caching stuff old files and directory layouts
But thank you for the report, will look into fixing it soon.
One way to do it would be to ignore the scancode from SDL and create it based on the keycode.
Hmm slightly confused, when I set my keyboard layout to something different like dvorak, I'll get the same key code and lwjgl code in both MC and OCEmu
EDIT: Well I had someone with a real QWERTZ keyboard report back as well, seems that merely changing the keyboard layout settings doesn't work, has to be a real keyboard. I'll attempt to fix this then by using the keycode.