
Add support for I18nBundle properties

ProZhar opened this issue ยท 2 comments

Hi. It's me again :)

Your plugin the best ๐Ÿฅ‡

I have created 2 games using your plugin during this time:

Now I'm creating a text quest and faced with the fact that the Android Studio does not support syntax highlighting i18n bundle *.properties files.

It looks something like that one:

Perhaps you can create a normal syntax highlight? :)

It's a good idea to edit all the bundles as android strings, but to be saved as bundles (,, :

Hi, I like the design the design of your games. Nice.

As soon as I have time, I will see if I can add support for .properties files.

Android Studio has an editor for properties files. If you have several properties files which belong together, like for example "", "", "Messages_fr_CA_", etc., and you open one of those files, there is a tab "Resource Bundle":

Resource Bundle

which opens the editor:


I think the only problem with Android Studio's support for properties files is that it says that all properties are "Unused". I can propably fix that from my plugin. I'll also try to add autocompletion for I18Bundle.get("") parameters and stuff like that.