
Got an error when trying to install LibGDXPlugin on Android Studio

FuriFull opened this issue · 7 comments

Good day to you @BlueBoxWare . First of all, when i am trying to install any plugins from LibGDXInspections (annotations, kotlin-runtime, etc.), i'm getting an error: "Fail to load plugin descriptor from file annotations-13.0.jar"

So i'm able to only install the LibGDXPlugin with some errors, and when i'm running AS, i'm getting this error when compiling build.graddle:

Plugin Error: LibGDX Inspections threw an uncaught NoSuchMethodError. Disable Plugin kotlin.text.StringsKt.toLongOrNull(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/lang/Long;

Please explain how can i use it, many thx.

Does this happen when you install from (or Android Studio's plugin manager) or when you install from source?

That happens when i try to install from I also tried to install from source, but i've got an error when installing Grammar-Kit to Android Studio, also had problems with Plugin DevKit.

And which version of the Kotlin plugin do you have installed in Android Studio?

I will try to re-install Android Studio and try to install from the beginning

Well, i've :

  1. Reinstalled Android Studio;
  2. Installed Kotlin;
  3. Put LibGDX Inspections 1.13 to AS plugin directory;
  4. Installed only libgdxplugin_1.13.jar
    Now everything should work fine? I've tried to mark uiskin.json as a LibGDX skin, but still have
    jsontest instead of

and .fnt does not load in window, just infinite Loading...

Did i do everything right or with mistakes?

When you download the plugin from, you get a zip file. You should not unzip it, but in Android Studio go to Settings->Plugins->"Install plugin from disk" and select the zip file you downloaded.

But the easiest way is: Settings->Plugins->"Browse repositories" and search for "LibGDX" and install the plugin from there.

Thanks a lot, everything is fine now. That was very weird of me trying to install unzipped files... Have a nice day!