
Incorrect highlighting when JSON contains comment start sequence in string

acanthite1855 opened this issue · 2 comments

I was trying to make some kind of index file, where I could specify whilch paths to ignore and whilch to add to processing. When I wrote some JSON to try it, editor started to highlight it in a weird way. Here is an example:

    exclude: ["test/**"]
    include: ["other/**"]
    test: ["*/some"]

This is what it looks like in Intellij:
After the /* characters in the first field, highlighting breaks until editor reaches */ in the third field. It looks like it partialy understands it as multiline comment (the text became italic and squre brackets became gray).

The problem is that after adding a closing quote, making it a normal string, the code doesn't get fully re-parsed and the old, now wrong, highlighting remains until the next re-parse. Thanks for the notice, I'm working on a fix.

It will be fixed in the next update.