
Location monitoring functionality and Google API wrappers

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

License: MIT Built With C#


This project is part of the ChilliSource framework developed by BlueChilli.


ChilliSource.Mobile.Location provides location monitoring functionality and wrappers for the Google Roads, Directions, and Places APIs.


Location Monitoring


To monitor the device's location first initialize the dependency service:

var locationService = DependencyService.Get<ILocationService>();
locationService.Initialize(LocationAuthorizationType.Always, allowBackgroundLocationUpdates:false);

Continuous Monitoring

For continuous location monitoring subscribe to the PositionChanged event:

locationService.PositionChanged += (sender, args) =>
    Console.WriteLine("Position changed to: " + args.Position.Latitude + " " + args.Position.Longitude);   

Then tell the service to start listening for location changes by specifying the minimum distance and time interval that should trigger the PositionChanged event to fire:

locationService.StartListening(minTime: 1000, minDistance:10, includeHeading:false);

You can stop listening for location changes by calling StopListening:


Once-Off Monitoring

Alternatively if you would only like to retrieve the device's location once or at specific times, you can do so by calling GetPositionAsync instead of using the PositionChanged event:

var position = await locationService.GetPositionAsync(timeout: 10, includeHeading: false);
Console.WriteLine("Current position: " + e.Position.Latitude + " " + e.Position.Longitude);   

Position Information

You can retrieve additional information about the position from the returned Position object, including Accuracy, Altitude, Heading, Speed, Course, and Timestamp. Please note that some of these properties may not be available or the values may not be accurate depending on the platform and type of device used, GPS availability, etc.

Google Places

With Google Places you can retrieve a list of addresses that match a search text that you specify:

var placesService = new PlacesService(googlePlacesApiKey);

var result = await placesService.AutocompleteAsync(searchString, new AutocompleteRequest());
if (result.IsSuccessful)
    var predictions = result.Result.Predictions.ToList();
    if (predictions.Count > 0)
        foreach (var prediction in predictions)
            Console.WriteLine(prediction.Description + " - " + prediction.PlaceId);            

Logging within ChilliSource.Mobile

Google Directions

To request directions, first construct a DirectionsRequest object with the start and end destination info. You can specify coordinates, addresses, or placeIds for the origin and destination:

var request = new DirectionsRequest()
        OriginCoordinates = new Tuple<string, string>("-33.865143", "151.209900"),
        DestinationCoordinates = new Tuple<string, string>("-34.123143", "147.998900")

Then invoke the service and retrieve the directions:

var directionsService = new DirectionsService(GoogleDirectionsApiKey);

var result = await directionsService.RequestDirections(request);
if (result.IsSuccessful)
    var response = result.Result;        
    Console.WriteLine("Journey distance: " + response.GetJourneyDistanceInMeters() + "m");
    Console.WriteLine("Journey duration: " + response.GetJourneyDurationInSeconds() + "s");
    Console.WriteLine("Journey duration in traffic: " + response.GetJourneyDurationInSecondsInTraffic() + "s");

    var route = response.Routes.FirstOrDefault();
    var leg = route.Legs.FirstOrDefault();
    foreach (var step in legs.Steps)

Google Roads

The roads service provides functionality to snap a set of points to fit the roads that are the closest match to the points in order to create a navigation journey.

Simply provide the coordiantes of the original points and receive the snapped version of the points:

var roadsService = new RoadsService(GoogleRoadsApiKey)

var positions = new List<Position>();
positions.Add(new Position(){Latitude=-33.86, Longitude=151.20});
positions.Add(new Position(){Latitude=-34.79, Longitude=151.23});
positions.Add(new Position(){Latitude=-34.80, Longitude=151.45});

var result = await roadsService.RequestSnappedLocations(positions, shouldInterpolate:false);

if (result.IsSuccessful)
    foreach (var point in result.Result.SnappedPoints)
        Console.WriteLine("Lat: " + point.Location.Latitude + " Lng: " + point.Location.Longitude);


The library is available via NuGet here.


See the releases.


Please see the Contribution Guide.


ChilliSource.Mobile is licensed under the MIT license.

Feedback and Contact

For questions or feedback, please contact chillisource@bluechilli.com.