
Hello, apply to all notes is not working

Opened this issue · 1 comments

As the title says, apply to all fields works fine but nothing happens after selecting apply to all notes.

I saw these reviews on the add on page

Great addon.

However I'm still having trouble with IO cards. "apply to all fields" is working, but if I select "apply to all notes" the addon doesn't do anything.
I never messed around with the fields of the IO cards. I still checked them to make sure, they are all default.



If any of you is having trouble using the "apply to all fields/notes" for IO enhanced: check if you have moved any fields or created new ones so that you messed up the original field order, fix it and try again; or you can also edit the addon's configuration

I am not sure how to check for any moved fields like the second review suggests

The way 'apply to all notes' work is that it searches for 'ID (hidden):<note occlusion id>' to get all associated notes. If the Image Occlusion notetype's field name has changed, you will want to open the add-on configuration and change 'zzimage-occlusion-id-field' value to the changed notetype's id field's name.

You can find the IO notetype's id field name by Tools > Note Types > select IO notetype > Fields, then check the field name of the ID field.

Although I'm no longer maintaining the add-on, so this add-on may just be broken.