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|_____| \___|\____||__|__||__| |_____|    |_____| \___/  \__,_||_____||_____||_____||__|\_|"

Can you make it out of Boulder alive?

Play online!

Help this game grow!

  • fork and clone this bad boy
  • run ruby lib/command.rb
  • type help in the game for more help
  • have an idea?
    • make some changes
    • push it to GitHub
    • submit a pull request!

1st Place Winners!

1st place winner for the Boulder Start Up Week Hackathon at Quick Left!

  • ugly code
  • brilliant story telling
  • Makey Makey integration!

Team Awesome Sauce

  • Cory Leistikow
  • Jenny Allar
  • Nathanael Burt
  • Paul Wenig
  • Martha Berner

ported to Javascript by

  • Jeff Dean