
Yellow current measurement and green side measurement numbers intersect; unreadable

PhoenixIV opened this issue · 2 comments


There is no colour setting for the green measurements on the side. I would like to disable them. They make it hard to read the number in yellow. Maybe put them on different heights or hide the side measurement (most elegant solution?) when the cursor is near the side of the ruler.

Hey @PhoenixIV, you can disable the green labels on both ends of the ruler by unchecking Appearance -> Show Offset and Length in the context menu.

Ah, I see! Thanks.
Why not double these settings into the "settings" dialogue?

I would still keep this ticket open, as I think it is a good remark that this overlapping is not well solved at the moment. Possible solutions:

  • Adding different heights
  • Letting the yellow number stop before the green one (while still moving the line)
  • Make the green number disappear in case of overlapping (if I want to read it I can just move my cursor aside)